Payment Guide
Please follow these easy steps:
1. Decide how much you want to donate in US dollars, then look at the corresponding HUF amount in the table below. Only rounded amounts in HUF (Hungarian currency) can be entered on the donation page. During the transaction, PayPal/Xoom indicates the amount to be sent in US dollars based on the exchange rate of that day, before the transaction is finalized.
If you’d like, you can check the updated exchange rate of PayPal/Xoom here:
2. Now go to the “Kisdobrony” campaign page on the charity’s website here:
3. By clicking on the green button "Egyéb összeg" (=Other amount) you will be taken to the Donor Information form. Fill this out using the Hungarian/English translation guide below and select the PayPal payment option at the bottom.
UPDATE!!! This form is now labeled in both languages (Hungarian/English) to make it easier for everyone. (starting 18/01/2024)
Translation Guide
Adományozni szeretnék: I’d like to donate now
Egyéb összeg: Other Amount
Adományozó adatai: Donor Information
Magánszemély: Individual
Cég: Organization
Vezetéknév: First Name
Keresztnév: Last Name
E-mail cím. Email
Telefonszám: Phone Number with Area Code (for US numbers starting with +1…)
Támogatás összege: Donation Amount in HUF (see currency conversion table*)
Cím: Address
Ország: Country
Irányítószám: ZIP Code
Város: City, State
Utca: Street Name
Házszám: Street Number
Emelet: Floor
Ajtó: Apt Number/Door Number/Other
Feliratkozom a hírlevélre: I'd like to subscribe to the newsletter
Elolvastam és elfogadom az ÁSZF-et …: I have read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy (ÁFSZ) and agree with them
Válassz fizetési módot: Choose Payment Option
SimplePay (available only for bank transfers in Hungarian currency)
Részletek: Details
PayPal: money transfer using PayPal service (or PayPal/Xoom for international transfers from foreign currency to Hungarian currency)
Részletek: Details
Adományozás: Donate
You can read the English version of ÁSZF=Terms and Conditions&Privacy Policy here: (here)
4. By clicking the "Adományozás" button, you will be taken to the PayPal/Xoom page, where the selected HUF amount will already be automatically added. Log in to your PayPal account if you have one, or choose from the payment options shown. Follow the instructions. You will be asked about the beneficiary’s name and phone number. Add these data:
Beneficiary name: Hungarian Reformed Church Aid
Phone number of the beneficiary: +3612730449
5. If you marked it as an option, you will soon receive an automatic email notification from the Charity Service ( about the receipt of your donation.
Attention! If you want to pay with PayPal outside of the Charity’s link, you won't have a way to enter the name of the specific campaign and you'll have to pay transaction fees too. The charity created this platform in cooperation with PayPal to avoid extra fees and make it easy for you to donate. Therefore, please pay through the platform of the Charity Service.